Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Disco Jad Storms Manhattan !

As everyone no doubt knows, Mahmoud "Mad Jad" Ahmadinejad -- everyone's favorite Stop and Go clerk (and that's an insult to honest clerks everyplace, for which I beg pardon) -- visited Columbia University yesterday. Mad Jad, dressed up as a game-show host or as a man set to head to the disco, told us, among other things:

Oh yeah, and he invited his audience to visit Iran.

Naturally, if you believe Disco Mad Jad on all this, you'll certainly believe his assurances that Iran's nuclear program is peaceful.

If you bought all that, surely you'll have no problem taking Mad Jad's invite seriously and visiting Free Iran. While there, (if you aren't taken hostage or thrown in prison or disappeared), try standing on the streets of Tehran and screaming at the top of your lungs "Down with the Islamic Republic !" Hopefully the wonderful people at Columbia University who set up this propaganda stunt will take the invite, and being educated, they can shout it in Farsi. This would solve all kinds of problems for everybody.

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