Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fizzle ?

AP reports that the French Defense Minister (Mme. Michele Alliot-Marie) said today that the North Korean nuclear test on Monday must have been a "failed explosion" because the blast was apparently of "limited size."
Perhaps the French have inside knowledge. Perhaps the test did fail. Who knows ? Do the French really know something, or do they perhaps perceive an interest in saying the explosion was of "limited size" and "failed" because if the test was a fizzle, there is then less urgency to do anything about it ?
For an introduction to issues connected with nuclear weapons testing, have a look at the Global article here.


Anonymous said...

aside from being mutually exclusive terms, what qualifications exactly are necessary for being the "french defense minister"?
as for what the french know, the origins of the way i pan fry my filets is of french origin, i believe. that fat guy chef from louisiana, prudhomme(sp)? did a good job with the basics. may be cajun for all i know. i have adapted/modified certain details to my liking, as well as the sauce diane i prepare..................
oh, you were speaking of world matters....................
never mind.

El Jefe Maximo said...

Sauce Diane ? (perk)