Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Biden !

12:45 p.m. Central, and a report is out there saying St. Barack has picked. . .
BIDEN !!!!
Splendid, splendid ! I hope it's true. This has to be a second choice -- he would never, never have announced Biden on a Friday night two days before the convention, one day before the Olympics closing if this was the first choice.
I'm betting Choice 1 was Hillary, and negotiations collapsed. That's why the lack of a vetting process became an issue only today. Hillary knew for weeks there was no serious vetting -- so far as we knew -- going on. . .because she and the Ersatz Messiah were talking. Things must have collapsed this week.
Biden. . .the blowhard whiner, beloved of the chattering classes, who shoots from the hip. Boring old Biden, who has been in Washington forever and ever, since Julius Caesar was the senior Senator from Rome. Hamlet with a teleprompter. It's not Kaine or Webb or anybody who could hurt us with voters in a state McCain's got to have. The Sainted One's publicly kicked the Hillaites in the teeth. . . or it looks enough like it. Perfect!


H said...

When do the lefties start saying that Biden is the 'Americans-are-racists-who-wouldn't-vote-for-Obama-without-an-old-white-guy-on-the-ticket' pick?

The Kitchen said...

I'm thrilled with this choice! It'll be interesting to watch St Barack's ratings drop now that he's named The Whiner....

Anonymous said...

the dems are just biden their time.

oh be quite, you knew someone would say it.

LFC said...

Obama didn't announce Biden friday night, contrary to what you say, el jefe. he announced him saturday morning. anything that came out friday night was a leak. (as for blowhards, better the blowhard biden than the blowhard mccain, who seems incapable of uttering three sentences without the verbal tic "my friends".)

to the kitchen: it'll be interesting to watch you eat your words after st barack's ratings go up after the convention. of course, bloggers never eat their words, do they? being a blogger, esp a Rep. one (which i assume you are), means never having to say 'i'm sorry,' or 'i'm wrong.'

oh and btw louielouie: since you think Obama's fiscal policies are marxist, which sectlet of the fourth international does biden belong to? i wonder how much time he spends every night reading ernest mandel; maybe a bit of frantz fanon when the mandel gets too heavy.

El Jefe Maximo said...

LFC does have a point about "announce." My bad.

At least McCain's utterances beginning "my friends" do come to an end, unlike the speechs of Mr. Biden that go on, and on, and ... He gives Mr. Castro a run for his money in that department.

I would assume that St. Barack would get a convention bounce...I still think he's the favorite to win a very, very close election. However, I continue to believe that he will be a disaster as President. . .

Fanon eh? I read the "Wretched of the Earth" ages ago, and found it rather hackneyed. I'd be curious to know how many of his FLN friends wound up dead or exiled at the hands of their own comrades

"Biden their time" heh, heh, heh.

Anonymous said...

i hate to ask you this, but just what part of change does joe biden represent?
i hate to tell you this, but joe biden has been in the senate half of john mccain's life.
i can't figure if this is an uncomfortable moment or pregnant pause. just strike a humble pose.
does this mean that age will not be a factor in the campaign?
i wonder if hussein cleared this choice with soros?
does this make hussein a racist?
what REAL LIFE experience would/does either of the dem senators have, that would appeal to anyone other than elitists?

El Jefe Maximo said...

I really should have put an "e" in "speech_s." So sorry.

H, are you clairvoyant or what? Check out the link in the next post...

LFC said...

yes, biden has been in the senate a long time. the question is what has he done there, and in recent years he seems to have gotten serious about learning something about foreign policy (not that i've agreed w him 100% of the time on everything by any means).
as to age: i don't think, and have never thought, that age should be an issue in the campaign. my not being for mccain has nothing to do with his age.
as for real life experience, the short version of an answer is that nearly everyone who has run for president in my memory has had a relatively privileged adulthood, even if they started out in fairly humble circumstances, as some (e.g. bill clinton, bob dole i think, edwards, and obama for that matter) did.
as a young man, obama turned down corporate law jobs to do things that were less remunerative; this does not make him a "saint," of course, but is worth noting.
among other things, he was in the illinois state legislature, not an esp. elitist job.

LFC said...

p.s. i'm aware, of course, that mccain was not "privileged" when he was languishing in n vietnamese captivity. just so you don't have to say this...

Candidly Caroline said...

I thought it was interesting that McCain right away used Hillary Clinton to his advantage, in that commmercial. Shrewd from a political perspective, for sure, with so many Clinton-ites feeling disenfranchised. The ad was countered, of course, but I bet it stung all the same.

El Jefe Maximo said...

You are quite right C...

I think Obama's choice would of necessity inform McCain's choice a little bit. He has to make trouble with some part of Obama's coalition. The polling indicates the gender game is not so strong, so far, this year, as in others. I agree with Dick Morris that McCain could do worse than take a look at our own Kay Bailey Hutchison.

I doubt she would want the job, but he really, really ought to look at persuading her.