The art of statesmanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite its occurrence.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Sex for Obama Tix?
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Gaza for Obama!
Monday, October 27, 2008
"White People Shouldn't Be Allowed to Vote"
In 2000, Bush-Cheney stole the election, got us attacked, and then got us into two no-exit wars. Is not the repetition of the same behavior over and over again with the expectation of a different outcome the very definition of insanity? (It is, I looked it up.)
What a relief to know Mr. Valania looks things up.
Where to begin? Stealing the election ? What a crock. The Left gave stealing the 2000 election for Al Gore its best shot, honest, and has never been sane since -- as evidenced by the absurd and demented claim that the Bush administration "[g]ot us attacked" in 2001. No the administration never got us attacked, but it's sure ensured that plenty of the foreign enemies of this country have wound up stone-cold dead. Here's hoping they double the score before 20 January next.
But Mr. Valania's case is bigger. Exhibit B for Mr. Valania's Bill of Particulars justifying a purge of the voting rolls is "any given Sarah Palin rally." Nothing specific is adduced -- all Right Thinking People are just supposed to take it on faith in the New God Obama that Sarah Palin is beyond the pale. No wrong-thinking people should vote, and we have to suffer a Leftie elite telling us what to think and who to like.
But a few brave souls like John Murtha recognize our evil nature: according to Mr. Valania, "plenty of people in Pennsylvania" (Murtha and others have said) "just cannot bring themselves to pull the lever for a black man -- no matter what they tell pollsters." The problem is, as Mr. Valania so clearly sees, "[t]hese people are ruining things for the rest of us white people who are ready to move on."
Why is it racism not to want to pull the lever (or dimple the chad, or touch the screen) for Obama? Maybe the people in Pennsylvania that Representative Murtha and Mr. Valania are so upset with simply don't want taxes to go up, federal regulation of the economy to expand, free speech to be curtailed, and the wars to be lost? Nah, that's not the real truth, Mr. Valania discerns. White people (at least, those people who are "ruining things") are just racists, and places like Scranton, Allentown and Carlisle are going back "to being the long dark chicken dance of the national soul" before the media showed up. Whatever the Hell that means.
Anyway, Mr. Valania's solution for what ails us is to take the franchise away from white people. "And I'm sorry to say" Mr. Valania regretfully informs us ". . .it's going to have to include all white people, even those who would vote for Obama., because you can't just let some white people vote. That would be unfair." Good to know Mr. Valania is concerned with fairness. . .but he is, after all, a leftie. When the lefties throw us righties into camps, it will be done with the most rigorous fairness.
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Obama Crash
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Polls Look Very Strange
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Trafalgar - 1805

Monday, October 20, 2008
The Leader Orders His Horse
Polls Tightening
Friday, October 17, 2008
Era of Suckage
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Who IS This Guy?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Marcia Brady. . .
The Return of Nation-States
Meanwhile, here's a little tidbit for thought, taken from the piece. Wish I had written it: Professor Friedman could almost be channeling me:
What is most interesting in the long run is the fact the Europeans, even in the eurozone, have not attempted a European solution. Nationalism is very much alive in Europe and has emerged, as one would expect, in a time of crisis. . .However, it has always been our view that the state ultimately trumps the economy and the nation trumps multinational institutions. We are strong believers in the durability of the nation-state. It seems to us that we are seeing here the failure of multinational institutions and the re-emergence of national power. The IMF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the European Union and the rest have all failed to function either to prevent the crisis or to contain it. The reason is not their inadequacy. Rather it is that, when push comes to shove, nation-states are not prepared to surrender their sovereignty to multinational entities or to other countries if they don't have to. What we saw this weekend was the devolution of power to the state. All the summits notwithstanding, Berlin, Rome, Paris and London are looking out for the Germans, Italians, French and British. Globalism and the idea of "Europe" became a lot less applicable to the real world this weekend.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Pro-McCain Incursion Into Hostile Territory
What brave people! I hope they were wearing flak jackets. I hope they march every day. (From The People's Cube).