The art of statesmanship is to foresee the inevitable and to expedite its occurrence.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Confession. . .
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Washington's Birthday

No Napoléon or Julius Caesar as a general, George Washington did the United States a significant service following the war by being no Napoléon or Julius Caesar as a politician, by quietly and competently performing his functions as President, and duly making way for his successor when his legal term expired.
Today, George Washington is somewhat politically incorrect, on several counts: (Dead White Male; Southerner; Slave owner; Rich Landowner). The history-vandals to whom political correctness is important have tried to diminish President Washington’s legacy in the hearts and imaginations of recent generations of his countrymen. Within living memory, almost every American classroom had its picture of George Washington; today, odds are, you will seek his portrait in vain.
But the joke is on the vandals. If you seek his legacy, look around. This country, and all in it, are the fruits of his labors. The pageant that is the American story did not began with Washington, but that great man gave it its tone and direction; and, the tale will endure long after the book-hiders, picture-stealers and speech-scolds and their false gods are dust.
Happy Birthday Mr. President.
A New Conglomerate
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Driving Cheerfully Over the Cliff
Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.
attributed to Napoléon I
The liberals are all cock-a-hoop because they think they can drive our cause in Iraq over the edge. Anything to trash Bush and US imperialism ! Naturally, the Left is insisting that all its minions, henchmen and harpies, great and small -- get in the bus and stay there. Maybe they can throw the country over the cliff, but then again, maybe not. Here's hoping the Lefties choke on too much of their own noxious Kool-Aid, then drive themselves right over the edge instead.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Help ! The Villain Might Defend Itself !
Now this is just an astounding trail of logic. The Iranians have been saying for months that Israel was going to be destroyed; they are going all-out to become a nuclear power and it's the Israelis that are the greatest threat to world peace ? I suppose the Israelis should just sit there quietly and let the Iranians build their bombs and destroy Israel. Then the Israelis would be safely dead, and thus no threat to world peace. By Senator Edwards's logic, Britain and France threatened world peace when they promised to ally with Poland if Hitler invaded it.
(Hat tips: Kesher Talk, National Review).
Monday, February 19, 2007
The Desire to "Wind it All Up"
Perhaps the idea of War and Peace as a binary state has passed. It would be interesting to see whether an equivalent concept exists among rival tribes in parts of the Middle East or whether they are accustomed to living in a twilight state of neither war nor peace, the condition depending on the time of day.
If, as now seems, the Tribes have imposed their way of war upon the West, then we will long for a definite peace the way Redcoats in North America hankered after the clash of orderly ranks in the open field. Long will we seek it, but seek it in vain.
Then Israel will have proved not the exception, but rather the new rule. And the landscape though apparently open, may little by little come to be divided into besieged demesnes; a new Dark Age arising on the foundation of the new tribalism. And the wonder of it all is that it will have been built in our faces. Perhaps this is the way civilizations finish; when the consensus to go on ends. If the West does not have the inner desire to continue then perhaps it has taken the subconscious decision to wind it all up
So the "Tribes" as Wretchard puts it, have imposed their way of war on the West ? Maybe, but the necessary wealth and military power exist to stop Wretchard's tribes. I still think the will is there too -- once the chattering classes are got out of the way or reeducated. If the Tribes have indeed imposed their way of war on the West: woe to them when the West adopts their rules. Civilization will still exist, for members of the Western "tribe," although some of us might not like the rules much. As for Wretchard's "tribes," who have given us suicide bombers and airplanes into buildings, they're going to get all the barbarism they want.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Probably Getting Ready for Astronaut Training
El Gran Ausente
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Good Morning Rebels. . .Here's a Valentine
More on al Sadr
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Habeas Mullahus
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Sharon Stone Weirds Out
al-Sadr Decamps
Even I Couldn't Make This Stuff Up
El Jefe Commemorative Postage Stamp

Lets Talk to the Bear
Monday, February 12, 2007
In Case You Were in Antarctica. . .
Iranians in Iraq
The mysterious part of this equation to me is why anyone is surprised that the Iranians are aiding our enemies. I would be in their place: poking at America has amounted to a national pastime for the mullahs since 1978; and they have a rather proprietary attitude towards Iraq and the rest of the Persian Gulf region.
For that matter, I suspect there are plenty of former Iraqi military personnel, mostly Sunni, probably some presently involved with the rebels, who would just love an opportunity to give the mullahs a stomach-ache quasi-legally. Sounds like the basis of a working relationship to me.
There’s plenty of local discontent to harness and direct at Iran: without the necessity of open war. So why aren’t we doing it ? The Iranians are running a covert war on us already. Clearly the mullahs think that they can kill Americans with impunity. Are we going to fight back, or not ?
Friday, February 9, 2007
Hurt the Humans to Save the Whales
Butyric Acid, according to the Reuters story “. . .is a corrosive chemical, and contact can cause severe irritation and burns of the eyes and skin, leading to permanent damage.” More information can be found at an Oxford University website, which tells us that Butyric Acid is “. . .[h]armful if swallowed or inhaled. . . Readily absorbed through the skin. Severe skin, eye and respiratory irritant.” Additionally, it’s flammable. Just the thing to have loose on board a ship.
Two crewmen aboard the whaler were injured, and one is having difficulty opening his eyes. As Eagle 1 has observed, over at the Eagle Speak blog, these people have an interesting set of priorities – hurt the humans to save the whales. Extreme environmentalism is almost a religion to some of these “activists.”
A spokesman for the Japanese Fisheries Agency correctly characterized the acid attack as “completely piratical” and “dangerous” and warned the group (still pursuing Japanese whaling fleets) to “stop immediately.”
Whatever one thinks of whaling (and El Jefe disapproves), this sort of self-help is completely unwarranted, illegal and should not be tolerated. The Japanese would be perfectly justified in using their Navy (oops, “Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force”) to see that such attacks do not happen again. These so-called activists deserve a long spell in jail.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Today in Military History

Poking The Eagle Through the Bars
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Star Trek Meets Fatal Attraction
Buzz Lloyd: [after being asked by Stone what he saw when a psychologist held up a blank sheet of paper during his astronaut acceptance boards] I saw a field covered with snow. And underneath was new oats. Then the snow melted and the field turned to green. But the psychologist said I was all wrong, it was just a blank sheet of paper.
Clayton Stone: He took you anyway?
Buzz Lloyd: Yeah, I guess they made a mistake.
Clayton Stone: No, no, they don't make mistakes.
Buzz Lloyd: That's right, I forgot. They don't make mistakes do they? [the entire crew begins to laugh at the irony].
Marooned (1969) (with Gene Hackman as “Buzz Lloyd”, Richard Crenna as “Jim Pruett” and James Franciscus as “Clayton Stone” (from IMDb database here).