Friday, April 18, 2008

Falling or Being Pushed ?

There have been all kinds of stories in the American media the past several days about Mrs. Clinton's apparently fading prospects. These stories have appeared at the same time as greater anxiety among Democratic party insiders and supporters that a decision between St. Barack and Hilla be made, now.
It's natural that the Democratic leadership would want clarity and a rapid decision, but what of the supposedly independent mainstream media ? Are Senator Clinton's prospects really fading in the minds of voters ? Or are we really just noticing that the hive-minds that make up American big media have come round to the conviction that Hillary needs to go and the blood-letting end, lest the beyond-the-pale Republicans actually stand a chance this November ?
I'm on the outside, and personally, I hope St. Barack and Senator Hilla cut each other to pieces. It's all the same to me. But the question about the media is important. Does the press really give us news, or (despite all the computers, television and paper) are we all just being left deaf, dumb, blind and guessing ?
I think we know the answer, but it's still interesting to see the evidence, from time to time. For the record, I think Hillary's had it, also, but more because the media is part of the story, making it, rather than reporting it.

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